Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Almost Thanksgiving

The shopping is done, the turkey is tucked neatly in its brine, the house is slowly getting to a point where it's okay, as opposed to dear God, and the holiday season is upon us.

As always, I'm not in any way shape or form ready for this. I'm obsessing about the amount of green beans again, even though this year I did my shopping in the company of my pal Shai the chef, who assured me I was buying the right amount of green beans. I do wish I could figure out why on earth I obsess on green beans. Have you ever met ANYONE who is deeply disappointed at a Thanksgiving meal because there (gasp) weren't enough green beans? Well, okay, maybe people who feel that Tofurkey is a great main course, but other than that...no. But just like last year, I'm deeply convinced that there will be a sudden run on the green beans and I won't have enough. (Even though in previous years I had leftover green beans enough for a small army of vegetarians.)

Meanwhile, in other news, I did a shoot for The Adjustment Bureau on Saturday which was a fairly typical one...stand around on street, sit around in holding, eat...good caterer and nice Chinese lunch...but we ran into overtime, which will help with Christmas. Oh, my God. Christmas. I'd better start making lists. Well, I did my list for Thanksgiving and bought everything on it...now I'll obsess about Christmas for a while.

Phooey. It will turn out fine, it ALWAYS turns out fine, and everything will be wonderful. (Oh, Lord...I need new lights for the Christmas tree, I've got to email my sister-in-law and find out what her kids want, and my other sister-in law, and my OTHER sister-law, and make sure about the tree topper which I think is coming to bits and then I've got to....)

Maybe I should just get through Thanksgiving first.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Love, Wendy

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