Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dripping with Sweat

Enough already. Yes, I know I got a little sick of the rain, but this is ridiculous. I walked around the corner to the deli, and the soles of my shoes melted. Admittedly I buy my summer shoes at KMart (canvas slip-ons with thin rubber soles - $3.99 a pair), but still, this is excessive.

I have done almost nothing since I got back. I went out last Saturday to see Peer Gynt in Central Park, which was quite good. No, no, not the Public Theatre - this was a Gorilla Rep production. This time it was because the sister-in-law of an old friend was in it, and while I probably wouldn't have hauled myself up to 85th and CPW for her, her brother-in-law John was in town from LA, and I wanted to see HIM. I unexpectedly saw my pal Larry, too, which was nice. These are pals from the awful Richard III.

I have decided, by the way, that anybody who does outdoor shows in the summer can do them without me from here on in. Gorilla Rep (I've seen two of their shows now, because friends have been in them) does site specific stuff, meaning that they set up in one general area and the actors and audience tromp around it. This requires sitting down and getting up and sitting down and getting up and wandering somewhere else WAY too many times, not to mention that there are generally no bathrooms anywhere within hailing distance. And you're often walking on unfamiliar terrain in the dark, not knowing if there's grass or a large rock ahead. There are very few things that I will announce I'm too old for, but I have decided that this is going to be one of them (along with short shorts worn with fishnets and stiletto heels). That said, I AM going to an outdoor show on the 30th, but it A. has seats, B. has bathrooms, and C. is in Washington Square. And it's at 2 pm, so I can see where I'm going.

Then Sunday I had my annual dinner with my girlfriends from Chicago, which I always enjoy.

And I actually got a job from a temp agency on Tuesday, which was nice because I seem to have gone back to "can't get arrested" status on background work. It was quite a pleasant day...worked with a very nice guy (he was doing interviews for kitchen and counter staff for a new fast food joint) who gave me two hours for lunch and let me go half an hour early - and paid for the full seven hour day. I consider this excellent. Of course, I was somewhat bitter...on my nice long lunch hour I deposited my check from the Law & Order I did, which was $231 and change, and I couldn't help thinking that for Tuesday I was making a GROSS of a magnificent $84. Yes, I know money's money, but still...

Phooey. This weather has sapped all my ambition. I have the air conditioning on and I'm going back to bed to read and nap. Grumble.

Love, W.

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